October 13th, 2007
Yesterday was a nice relaxing day. We only went to get our underwater pictures developed (which didn’t turn out very well) and went boogie boarding at Anahola Bay. It was very nice and relaxing to do little today. We then went back to Scotty’s BBQ again because their food and view are both amazing. Prices aren’t too bad too! Here’s a couple of the very few pictures we took today.

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October 11th, 2007
Today was another great day in Paradise. We started off by driving to the other side of the island to get to Waimea Canyon. This is what they call the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific”. We have both been to the Grand Canyon before and neither of us thought this looked much like it. The Grand Canyon’s erosion patterns are very distinct creating cliffs resembling huge cracks, not valleys. After reading some Wikipedia on this, it is apparent why. Waimea’s canyons aren’t purely erosion, but also from collapse during fault movement. Don’t get me wrong, it is both beautiful and amazing, but not that similar to the Grand Canyon.

From here we went to the beach and ate lunch. We then passed through Ele’ele on our way back and stopped at the Kauai Coffee estate for the free tour. It was a short self-guided tour, but there was free coffee so I was pleased!

Our tour was followed by going to Spouting Horn/Whaler’s Cove beach where went snorkeling. It was better snorkeling here than anywhere we had previously gone including Kona on our Honeymoon. We had the underwater camera, so those pics will come when we get back and get them developed.

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October 11th, 2007
We had thought about renting kayaks again, or taking a kayak tour today but decided against it as the kayak would simply be a means of transportation to places we could already get to without spending money! Yeah, we’re cheap! We started off by hiking up “sleeping giant” which is a fairly famous trail near Kapa’a. It was really hot since we started off a littler later than expected in the day. We didn’t quite make it to the top, but saw almost all of the views you would from the top in one form or another.

We decided to turn around because of the heat, and our other plans for hiking. We then went to an unnamed falls (may be called Upper Ho’opi’i Falls) as well as down to Ho’opi’i Falls about a mile away. These were both beautiful waterfalls along the Kapa’a stream and were worth the EASY hikes!

After that we went to Anahola Bay to play in the water (and get some of our sweat off)! Then we went ‘home’ and cleaned up since we had our Luau tonight. This luau was a THOUSAND times better than the one we went to in Maui on our Honeymoon. We went to the “Smith’s Luau” which we both highly recommend. This luau was on beautiful grounds where you can walk around. Then they had the “Imu” ceremony where they actually get the pig out of the imu (underground oven) for dinner. There was a live band playing typical hawaiian music during dinner, and a show afterward at the theater. The show was another typical Luau scenario where it was a ‘history lesson’ of Luau, and the influence of many Asian cultures on Hawai’i. It was interesting, entertaining, well planned, and well rehearsed with only a couple small hiccups. With all the expensive things to do on the islands for minimal entertainment value, this one is exactly what we were looking for! Did I mention it had an open bar?

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