Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Day 2 – Honolulu, Oahu

Friday, February 9th, 2007
Date: January 22nd, 2007
Location: Honolulu, Oahu
Weather: Beautiful

Today we woke up, found a cheap place for breakfast and got checked out to head
to the ship! With our package deal including transportation we just left our bags
in the room, and they were automatically taken to the ship for screening. We had
a bottle of rum which was a “no-no.” After waiting for a while, the bus came to
take us to the port.


When we boarded the ship there were some people with their baggage waiting outside
their cabins, we had no such luck! We immediately started walking around the ship,
trying to see what it had to offer, and where things were located. We found some fun
things like giant chess/checkers, and a few of the bars, pool, etc.


We ended up getting a call about 7 PM that told us our bag had something that
looked suspicous in our baggage and went to “secondary screening.” We had to
go down and claim the bottle of rum. We had to leave it with the ship, or pay
a $15 corkage fee. It was a $13 bottle of rum… I DON’T THINK SO!


We then had our mandatory drill and meeting at the muster station before we were
allowed to leave port. They say you’re not supposed to take pictures, but I was able
to sneak in a couple!


After the meeting, we hit the high seas, and went to bed!


Our Honeymoon!

Friday, February 9th, 2007

After our beautiful wedding, we planned a trip to Hawaii for our honeymoon.

We flew to Oahu, Hawaii and took a Norwegian Cruise Line 7-day cruise around the Hawaiian islands.

Please click on a picture to take you to that day’s pictures. You can also use the links on the right hand navigation menu!

Sunday-Monday January 21st-22nd, 2007
We flew into Oahu early Sunday after the wedding, stayed one night at the Princess Waikiki in Waikiki, and left from the Honolulu Monday afternoon for the cruise.

Tuesday January 23rd, 2007
The ship’s first stop after leaving port was Hilo, Hawaii (the big island).

Wednesday-Thursday January 24th-25th, 2007
The second stop on our trip was to Kahului on Maui. We were in port overnight for two days here!

Friday January 26th, 2007
Our third stop in Hawaii was Kona, again on the island of Hawaii (the big island).

Saturday-Sunday January 27th-28th, 2007
The next stop for us was Kauai, where we again stayed for 2 days. This was the final stop before returning to Honolulu to go home.

Monday January 29th, 2007
Today we disembarked the ship and flew home!



Wednesday, February 7th, 2007

Welcome to Mat and Tiffany’s website. This is where I will be posting pictures and text of our trips and other important things in our lives! I will still update the JEEP site, so please look there for all Jeep related things! If you have any questions, suggestion, etc. please feel free to use the CONTACT page to get ahold of either Tiffany or myself!