July 8th, 2010
What started out as an attempt by a very mean spirited person to cause our family nothing but headaches became a very easy lesson to learn. We found out a few weeks ago that we needed a permit for our bathroom project completed in January of 2009. We pulled the info off the sight so as not to encourage anyone to do something they shouldn’t and called code enforcement. It seemed incredibly daunting at first, but in fact was very easy. The gentleman I worked with from code enforcement was very nice and helped me figure out the proper steps to take. I went to the building department not completely sure of what I needed to do, and they were even more helpful. The main guy there actually brought out a checklist of everything I needed to submit our fixes and even pulled out a sample of what it should look like. I must say I was not expecting that much help. He made it so easy I went home and in one day got together everything we needed – it helped that we had taken pictures of everything and documented it.
If anyone has any questions on building codes I highly recommend going to the main city hall building and asking the people who work there because they made it so easy. So all in all it ended up working out for the best, we are permitted now and just have to set up the inspection when we get a free day.
So thank you to the awful individual that has nothing better to do with his time than make others as miserable as he clearly is, because what came of it ended up being a better understanding of the correct way to get things done.
Posted by tiffany in Around the House, News | No Comments »
May 28th, 2010

I realize with less than a month left until Carleigh turns two I haven’t documented the things she likes at this age… This past year has been filled with baby dolls, dress up, and balls of any shape and size. In the last month we have gotten more chances to play outside and Carleigh is becoming a huge fan of outdoor toys like balls and sidewalk chalk. She still loves coloring and playing with play-doh, but she LOVES to be outside. So last year she loved dogs, and while she still does, she has broadened her love to include many zoo animals like the Mingos (flamingos).
As far as food, Carleigh is trying new foods, but starting to no longer eat the veggies she used to like. I find myself pureeing them just so she will keep eating them. At least she will eat them 😛 She loves fruit snacks, granola bars, pretzles, mandarin oranges and meatloaf. Not too bad a list if I do say so myself.
Life is great with the family and I look forward to the many new likes and changes in both our kiddos.
Posted by tiffany in Carleigh | No Comments »
April 16th, 2010

Super Cute Luke with a full tummy! Look mom no mess this time 🙂
Posted by tiffany in Luke, Picture of the Week | No Comments »
April 3rd, 2010

This is what happens when you let an almost 2year old dress themselves. An absolutely adorable walking comedy show.
Posted by tiffany in Carleigh, Picture of the Week | No Comments »
March 16th, 2010

We took a beach day 3/15 with Daydree and Sean and it was B-E-A-utiful!
Posted by tiffany in Carleigh, Luke, Outings, Picture of the Week | No Comments »