June 24th, 2008
Name: Carleigh June Mrosko
Date/Time: June 22nd, 2008 1:14 AM
Weight: 8 lbs. 2.2 oz.
Length: 20″
Thanks to everybody who has given us their warm wishes and congratulations! We are proud new parents of our beautiful (not just because she’s ours) daughter!
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Posted by mat in Carleigh, News | Comments Off on Welcome Carleigh June
May 31st, 2008
If you haven’t heard, we’re in the process of buying a house! We started looking for houses in around February and started finding houses we liked right away. We knew the market is still on a down-turn so we didn’t want to make any full price offers. Luckily our agent was fine with us “low-balling” Read the rest of this entry »
Posted by mat in Around the House, News | Comments Off on Escrow Delays
May 31st, 2008
We are very lucky to have friends with fun (and expensive) hobbies. Rick (one of Mat’s co-workers) is in the Harbor Island Yacht Club in San Diego. For the 2007 Red Bull Air Races Rick and Ben (Mat’s Boss) rented a boat and went in the harbor to watch the races. This year Rick wanted to “go big”. We got a group of people together and rented a 40′ Beneteau called Havana Daydreamin’.
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Posted by mat in Outings | Comments Off on 2008 Red Bull Air Races
April 13th, 2008
The shower (well, the first one…) went well! We drove up to a VERY PINK shower! I had to open the “dad pack” before the guys took off and went to “Pole Position” an indoor electric kart track (similar to K1Speed). It had a “manly” diaper bag and a bunch of ‘goodies’ inside, including a Miami Dolphins Hawaiian shirt for me, and a matching dress for our daughter. The guys came back to all the opened presents, and it appears that Carleigh has more clothes than Tiffany or I! Thanks to everybody for all the wonderful gifts, and coming to the shower!
Posted by mat in News | Comments Off on It’s a GIRL!!!
February 3rd, 2008
I picked a horrible day to get the flu. I couldn’t drive myself home from work Wednesday night because I was so weak and light headed. I had to have Tiffany come pick me up and drive me home! Thursday was our long-awaited appointment for the big 20 week ultrasound. I pulled myself together long enough to go with the Moms and the wife to the hospital. First they took Tiffany in alone and checked the baby’s heart chambers, brain, measured the belly, femur, etc. She was in for about 30 minutes while we all waited outside. Then they pulled us in to do some more looking at the baby. They printed a few pictures for us and determined the sex. Tiffany and I don’t know though!!! We’re not going to find out just yet…. if you want to know, call one of our moms. We had the technician tell Dian and Teresa.
Here’s the 5 pictures they printed for us of our baby.

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