Ask Our Moms

I picked a horrible day to get the flu. I couldn’t drive myself home from work Wednesday night because I was so weak and light headed. I had to have Tiffany come pick me up and drive me home! Thursday was our long-awaited appointment for the big 20 week ultrasound. I pulled myself together long enough to go with the Moms and the wife to the hospital. First they took Tiffany in alone and checked the baby’s heart chambers, brain, measured the belly, femur, etc. She was in for about 30 minutes while we all waited outside. Then they pulled us in to do some more looking at the baby. They printed a few pictures for us and determined the sex. Tiffany and I don’t know though!!! We’re not going to find out just yet…. if you want to know, call one of our moms. We had the technician tell Dian and Teresa.

Here’s the 5 pictures they printed for us of our baby.

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