December 9th, 2007
This weekend a pump went out on our fish tank so we made a (well, three, but we’ll get to that later) trip to the fish store. With the first trip, I was sold a pump that we didn’t think would work. The pump we needed was a vacuum pump that takes the air out of the siphon overflow for the filter. The pump we were sold was a submersible pump that most people use in their sump to move water. We couldn’t figure out how it would work because the attached hose contained a cap to sit outside the tank to pull in air. Read the rest of this entry »
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November 8th, 2007
We just got back from our first appointment where we found out everything is going well with Tiffany’s pregnancy. She’s about 8 weeks/4 days by the ultrasound estimate. They use the size in the early stages of the pregnancy to determine the time and due date. Our baby was 19-20mm which yielded the dates. They gave us a due date of June 15th! No cysts, and only one baby! We’re really excited to know everything is going well, and she didn’t even have to give blood!
The most exciting part was getting to see the heart beating. Our little ‘bun’ is doing well so far!

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October 31st, 2007
If you don’t already know, we’re expecting! We should know more after another appointment on November 8th. We’re both really excited, as are our mothers who are soon to be grandmothers! We’ll be posting updates as we have them! Wish us luck as new expecting parents!
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October 23rd, 2007
So far we’re OK, although the “Rice Canyon” fire is pretty close to us. We’ve got co-workers and friends who have been evacuated, but so far we’re far enough away that we haven’t been. It is really smoky and there’s a lot of ash falling outside. Here’s a couple pictures:

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