October 14th, 2008
Carleigh got her first plane ride, and all 3 of us went to our first NFL game! Tiffany and I have previously tailgated a Chargers game, but never attended a game. We bought tickets a couple weeks in advance, but at the same time, e-mailed somebody from Craigslist about another set of tickets. He had them listed for over $300 because they were 2nd row 50-yard line tickets, but we weren’t going to pay much. We offered him $150 if nobody took them. A few days before our flight left we heard from him and nobody else had made an offer so they were ours! We promptly sold our nosebleeds and made some of our money back!
The first flight was from San Diego to Dallas, and Carleigh slept almost the whole flight. After our brief stay-over in Dallas we flew into Miami which Carleigh also slept through! Her first flights went really well and at only 3 1/2 months!

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September 4th, 2008
The Mroskos are ready for this year’s NFL season! We’re trying to go to a game this year in Miami when the Chargers are in town! We’ll be schizophrenic fans, cheering when either team gets a touchdown!
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August 6th, 2008
Two weekends ago we went to our neighbors house for a BBQ. After all… Mat can’t pass up an offer of free ribs! (They were DELICIOUS!!!) We took Carleigh with us and since they have a pool we thought we might take her swimming for the first time. At first she was getting sleepy so we wanted to take her in before she actually fell asleep, but we were too late. She slept in the water. We kept moving her around and we were taking pictures, but she slept the WHOLE TIME! It was absolutely hilarious.
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August 6th, 2008
It’s not every day you get five generations in the same room. In Tiffany’s family, where longevity is common it is possible! Here’s a picture of 5 generations:

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July 21st, 2008
Things have been a little crazy, and we have had a lot happening since Carleigh was born FOUR WEEKS AGO! It really seems like the time has flown with her. Her umbilical cord fell off at 11days which was followed a couple days later with her first bath. Grandma Dian was there for the event and Carleigh just loved it. It was pretty hard with a squirmy baby in the sink so Grandma Teresa got Carleigh her own little baby sized tub that helps out quite a bit.
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