January 13th, 2009
As you probably already know, we bowl on a Wednesday league. We had to take Carleigh sometimes if we don’t have a babysitter. Today we were making up for missing last week’s league and Carleigh was able to actually fall asleep! Here is a cute pic.

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January 6th, 2009
I just found out that there is a new app for the iPhone for publishing to wordpress. I’m not sure if I’ll use this often, but I thought I’d share a picture in my phone with the world.
We will have to keep our eyes on little Carleigh in future years. She may have alcohol problems if we’re not careful.

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December 27th, 2008
We’ve been behind on posting pictures and will have a LOT of pictures to post coming up, but we just HAVE to get a couple pictures of Carleigh’s first Christmas up for all to see! Here are our favorites:
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December 15th, 2008
A friend that knows my bacon obsession sent me a link to this delicious looking thing: http://www.holytaco.com/if-i-die-bacon-related-death-id-it-be-because.
Since it looked so good, and I have no fear, we decided to give it a try. Here’s pictures of our progress:
Building it up:
Cooking it up:
And finally, the glorious outcome:
Posted by mat in Around the House | Comments Off on BACON!
October 18th, 2008
Carleigh is all ready for her first Halloween! Teresa made her costume this week, and today she tried it on! Here’s a couple pictures of our adorable daughter all dressed up for Halloween!!!
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