Archive for the ‘Picture of the Week’ Category

Picture of the Week 4

Thursday, February 18th, 2010

So I didn’t even keep this up as long as most resolutions, but I will keep posting as I remember… Today’s picture comes from just this morning. Carleigh has been such a big help putting everything in it’s place that when she found a pacifier she went running for baby. Luke, of course, doesn’t use a pacifier so she had to really concentrate on trying to get it to stay.

Picture of the Week 3

Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Not quite sure what it is about Carleigh and shoes, but she found my heels and successfully put them on. The heels were the perfect addition to morning hair and pajamas.

Picture of the Week 2

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

So this week I have two pictures. Once again I took Carleigh to the park and she LOVED it! This only confirms that I need to take her more often. She does great climbing the jungle gyms and going down the slides by herself and really wears herself out. New news with Luke this week is that he is laughing more and more. The one toy to guarantee a giggle is his little elephant that vibrates. I hooked it on his changing table since that is where he is the least happy and now he loves being there. All in all a great week in the Mrosko home!

Picture of the Week 1

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

This week Carleigh has started to play with Luke a little bit more. Up until now she mostly just calls him baby and points, but now that he is smiling at her she includes him in some of her time. For Christmas Carleigh got a tea set and in the picture she is sharing a cup of tea with Luke. A little frustrated that Luke wouldn’t hold the cup himself she decided to help. It was really hilarious. I am still working on getting Carleigh to call it Tea, she insists it is “wa-wa”. Oh well!